2024 California State Fair
2023 California State Fair
2022 California State Fair
Note: Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, the California State Fair was not held in 2020 and 2021.
2019 California State Fair
2018 California State Fair
2017 California State Fair
2016 California State Fair
2015 California State Fair
Note: In prior years, the judging system was First, Second, Third and any number of honorable mentions in each class. Effective 2015, the judging system changed to awards of First, Second, Third and Fourth in each class.
2014 California State Fair
2013 California State Fair
2014 World Straw Arts Day
In 2010, the Fifth International Straw Festival held in Lutsk, Ukraine. The participants from ten countries felt a unifying day of celebrating this versatile art form should be established. August 1 was chosen to be that day. The following original straw art designs by CSAG members, as well as guest artists from around the globe, are in celebration of this rather unique art form and the day set aside to recognize it.
2013 World Straw Arts Day
In 2010, the Fifth International Straw Festival held in Lutsk, Ukraine. The participants from ten countries felt a unifying day of celebrating this versatile art form should be established. August 1 was chosen to be that day. The following original straw art designs by CSAG members, as well as guest artists from around the globe, are in celebration of this rather unique art form and the day set aside to recognize it.
2012 World Straw Arts Day
In 2010, the Fifth International Straw Festival held in Lutsk, Ukraine. The participants from ten countries felt a unifying day of celebrating this versatile art form should be established. August 1 was chosen to be that day. The following original straw art designs by CSAG members, as well as guest artists from around the globe, are in celebration of this rather unique art form and the day set aside to recognize it.